• 5 step process to discover your purpose-driven business idea 

Journal prompts to dream with God and hear His voice for where He is calling your into entrepreneurship

Goal setting sheets to plan out the next 90 days + more!

What's included in this guide?

This blueprint is designed to help you navigate your next steps in pursuing entrepreneurship. 

It's more than just exercises; it's your companion on the journey to align your business with God’s Purpose.

With these insights, your business is set to become a testament to God's guidance and your commitment to your unique calling. 

 Guide to creating a purposeful business statement. 

Yes! I want the guide!

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"I love the blueprint, it's so helpful, especially actually writing down timelines and helping to focus and on what I truly want out of my business"

Word on the Street

I'm dedicated to empowering moms to confidently embrace their God-given purpose and thrive in their online ventures.

As your coach and fellow believer, my mission is clear: I'm here to partner with you as you navigate this journey of faith and entrepreneurship.

Together, we'll uncover your purpose, clarify your vision, and build a business anchored in your values and centered on God.

My approach is simple and personalized, designed to create a strategic roadmap for launching a business that fits seamlessly into your life.

I pray this blueprint will help you gain clarity on where God is calling you in entrepreneurship and empower you to confidently show up in the online space and live out your God-given mission, all while honoring your values and family.

Your business Coach 

Meet Jessica